Friday, April 28, 2017

Liberty University BIOL 101 quiz 8 solutions answers right

Liberty University BIOL 101 quiz 8 solutions answers right
How many versions: 6 different versions

Question 1
Which of the following choices names one of the various zones found in a lake?
Question 2
Which of the following is a problem that confounds attempts to organize the entire living world for study?
Selected Answer: There are too many organisms with too much overlapping complexity to support a
Question 3
From the Family level upwards toward higher levels of classification, which of the following choices gives the correct order?
Question 4
During the springtime, a light wind blowing across a lake will foster the process of lake overturn. This timely event will bring together ___________ with _____________.
Question 5
Young Balanus barnacles cannot compete with Chthamalus barnacles in higher intertidal regions because
Question 6
The best term to describe the species-species interaction between Pseudomyrmex ants and the bullhorn acacia plant would be
Question 7
A fallen, decaying created order still needs to be stewarded carefully because
Question 8
The state of flux in which modern systematic groupings exists is shown by the fact that the largest category in some groupings is the “Kingdom” while in others it is the
Question 9
Which of the following defense tactics do plants use to keep from being preyed upon?
Question 10
Which of the following is a problem that confounds attempts to organize the entire living world for study?
Question 11
The term “systematics” refers to
Question 12
The phytoplankton of a lake would be found in highest numbers in the ________ zone.
Question 13
In the human - Greater honeyguide mutualism, the honeyguide bird is benefited by
Question 14
Which of the following choices most accurately represents the scientific name for human beings?
Question 15
The large "Group" Excavata contains the nasty parasite
Question 16
The microbe, Pyrodictium occultum belongs to the large "Group" Archaea because it
Question 17
Your textbook describes two sequential _________ of interaction between organisms and their environments that have existed since God’s creative work began.
Question 18
A good example of commensalism would be the relationship between
Question 19
When a species of fly has a bold coloration very similar to that of an unpalatable (stinging) Yellowjacket, the fly’s “strategy” is termed
Question 20
Which of the following is not one of the seven basic characteristics used to classify living things?
Question 21
From the species level upwards toward higher levels of classification, which of the following choices gives the correct order?
Question 22
Species of organisms are collected into a Genus by
Question 23
Which of the following is one of seven basic characteristics used to classify living things?
Question 24
Which of the following choices reflects a currently accepted classification scheme resulting from the state of flux in which modern systematic groupings exist?
Question 25
The convention used for representing scientific names for newly discovered species is that ___________ root words are used in order to name the organism’s ___________.

Question 1
A relationship between individuals of two species in which members of one species are benefited and members of the other species are unaffected is termed
Question 2
A fallen, decaying created order still needs to be stewarded carefully because
Question 3
At which of the following levels of organization can the Peaks of Otter salamander be studied?
Question 4
Your textbook describes two sequential _________ of interaction between organisms and their environments that have existed since God’s creative work began.
Question 5
From the Family level upwards toward higher levels of classification, which of the following choices gives the correct order?
Question 6
The state of flux in which modern systematic groupings exists is shown by the fact that the largest category in some groupings is the “Kingdom” while in others it is the
Question 7
The diatom, Ellerbeckia arenaria belongs to the large "Group" Stramenopiles because it
Question 8
Young Balanus barnacles cannot compete with Chthamalus barnacles in higher intertidal regions because
Question 9
The convention used for representing scientific names for newly discovered species is that ___________ root words are used in order to name the organism’s ___________.
Question 10
The large eukaryote, Pisum sativum belongs to the large "Group" Plants because it
Question 11
All members of species Escherichia coli belong to the large "Group" known as
Question 12
The large eukaryote, Zonotrichia leucophrys belongs to the large "Group" Opisthokonta because it
Question 13
The microbe, Euglena gracilis belongs to the large "Group" Discicristates because it
Question 14
A Genus of organisms differs from a species of organisms in what way? The Genus group
Question 15
When a species of fly has a bold coloration very similar to that of an unpalatable (stinging) Yellowjacket, the fly’s “strategy” is termed
Question 16
An area providing cool, moist conditions with rocks and decaying logs at an appropriate elevation and rainfall level constitutes a good ________ for the Peaks of Otter salamander.
Question 17
Baleen whales use _______ to prey on herring fish.
Question 18
The microbe, Paramecium aurelium belongs to the large "Group" Alveolata because it
Question 19
The phytoplankton of a lake would be found in highest numbers in the ________ zone.
Question 20
Seeking to scientifically name each variety of lifeform we find and relate it to other similar species is a discipline known as
Question 21
An evolutionary theorist believes that large groups of organisms are related to each other by _________ while a design theorist believes that such groups are related to each other in _________ .
Question 22
The functional role of a species within its habitat is referred to as its
Question 23
The microbe, Pyrodictium occultum belongs to the large "Group" Archaea because it
Question 24
Which of the following is a problem that confounds attempts to organize the entire living world for study?
Question 25
Which of the following is a problem that confounds attempts to organize the entire living world for study?

Question 1 Which of the following choices names one of the various zones found in a lake?
Question 2 Which of the following choices most accurately represents the scientific name for human beings?
Question 3 Your textbook describes two sequential _________ of interaction between organisms and their environments that have existed since God’s creative work began.
Question 4 At which of the following levels of organization can the Peaks of Otter salamander be studied?
Question 5 A fallen, decaying created order still needs to be stewarded carefully because
Question 6 The large "Group" Excavata contains the nasty parasite
Question 7 The functional role of a species within its habitat is referred to as its
Question 8 Which of the following is one of seven basic characteristics used to classify living things?
Question 9 Which of the following is a problem that confounds attempts to organize the entire living world for study?
Question 10 The term “systematics” refers to
Question 11 Young Balanus barnacles cannot compete with Chthamalus barnacles in higher intertidal regions because
Question 12 Which of the following is not one of the seven basic characteristics used to classify living things?
Question 13 Which of the following defense tactics do plants use to keep from being preyed upon?
Question 14 A Genus of organisms differs from a species of organisms in what way? The Genus group
Question 15 The large eukaryote, Pisum sativum belongs to the large "Group" Plants because it
Question 16 Species of warblers (birds) living in the same general region minimize their interspecific competition by
Question 17 Interspecific competition is defined as
Question 18 The molecular structure of both water and ice is critical to the survival of lake life forms. All life in a lake would die in winter if
Question 19 The microbe, Paramecium aurelium belongs to the large "Group" Alveolata because it
Question 20 Which of the following is one of the seven basic characteristics used to classify living things?
Question 21 When a species of fly has a bold coloration very similar to that of an unpalatable (stinging) Yellowjacket, the fly’s “strategy” is termed
Question 22 Which of the following choices reflects a currently accepted classification scheme resulting from the state of flux in which modern systematic groupings exist?
Question 23 Seeking to scientifically name each variety of life­form we find and relate it to other similar species is a discipline known as
Question 24 The microbe, Pyrodictium occultum belongs to the large "Group" Archaea because it
Question 25 Which one of the following is not included among the seven basic characteristics used to classify living things?

Question 1 A fallen, decaying created order still needs to be stewarded carefully because
Question 2 In the minds of design theorists, separate clades (large groups) derive from
Question 3 The convention used for representing scientific names for newly discovered species is that ___________ root words are used in order to name the organism’s ___________.
Question 4 The state of flux in which modern systematic groupings exists is shown by the fact that the largest category in some groupings is the “Kingdom” while in others it is the
Question 5 The large eukaryote, Pisum sativum belongs to the large "Group" Plants because it
Question 6 A Genus of organisms differs from a species of organisms in what way? The Genus group
Question 7 In the human ­ Greater honeyguide mutualism, the honeyguide bird is benefited by
Question 8 Young Balanus barnacles cannot compete with Chthamalus barnacles in higher intertidal regions because
Question 9 Seeking to scientifically name each variety of life­form we find and relate it to other similar species is a discipline known as
Question 10 Which of the following is a problem that confounds attempts to organize the entire living world for study?
Question 11 The microbe, Paramecium aurelium belongs to the large "Group" Alveolata because it
Question 12 Which of the following is one of the seven basic characteristics used to classify living things?
Question 13 Species of organisms are collected into a Genus by
Question 14 The diatom, Ellerbeckia arenaria belongs to the large "Group" Stramenopiles because it
Question 15 Which one of the following is not included among the seven basic characteristics used to classify living things?
Question 16 From the species level upwards toward higher levels of classification, which of the following choices gives the correct order?
Question 17 The term “systematics” refers to
Question 18 Studying competition between the Peaks of Otter salamander and the Eastern Redback salamander would be an example of studying ecology at the _______ level.
Question 19 All members of species Escherichia coli belong to the large "Group" known as
Question 20 The functional role of a species within its habitat is referred to as its
Question 21 Which of the following is a problem that confounds attempts to organize the entire living world for study?
Question 22 Interspecific competition is defined as
Question 23 The large "Group" Excavata contains the nasty parasite
Question 24 The best term to describe the species­species interaction between Pseudomyrmex ants and the bullhorn acacia plant would be
Question 25 Which of the following choices reflects a currently accepted classification scheme resulting from the state of flux in which modern systematic groupings exist?

Question 1 The state of flux in which modern systematic groupings exists is shown by the fact that the largest category in some groupings is the “Kingdom” while in others it is the
Question 2 Your textbook describes two sequential _________ of interaction between organisms and their environments that have existed since God’s creative work began.
Question 3 An area providing cool, moist conditions with rocks and decaying logs at an appropriate elevation and rainfall level constitutes a good ________ for the Peaks of Otter salamander.
Question 4 Baleen whales use _______ to prey on herring fish.
Question 5 The phytoplankton of a lake would be found in highest numbers in the ________ zone.
Question 6 Which of the following is a problem that confounds attempts to organize the entire living world for study?
Question 7 Young Balanus barnacles cannot compete with Chthamalus barnacles in higher intertidal regions because
Question 8 Studying competition between the Peaks of Otter salamander and the Eastern Redback salamander would be an example of studying ecology at the _______ level.
Question 9 Which of the following defense tactics do plants use to keep from being preyed upon?
Question 10 Species of warblers (birds) living in the same general region minimize their interspecific competition by
Question 11 Interspecific competition is defined as
Question 12 The convention used for representing scientific names for newly discovered species is that ___________ root words are used in order to name the organism’s ___________.
Question 13 The diatom, Ellerbeckia arenaria belongs to the large "Group" Stramenopiles because it
Question 14 Species of organisms are collected into a Genus by
Question 15 The best term to describe the species­species interaction between Pseudomyrmex ants and the bullhorn acacia plant would be
Question 16 When a species of fly has a bold coloration very similar to that of an unpalatable (stinging) Yellowjacket, the fly’s “strategy” is termed
Question 17 The large eukaryote, Zonotrichia leucophrys belongs to the large "Group" Opisthokonta because it
Question 18 In the human ­ Greater honeyguide mutualism, the honeyguide bird is benefited by
Question 19 The functional role of a species within its habitat is referred to as its
Question 20 The large "Group" Excavata contains the nasty parasite
Question 21 Which of the following choices names one of the various zones found in a lake?
Question 22 During the springtime, a light wind blowing across a lake will foster the process of lake overturn. This timely event will bring together ___________ with _____________.
Question 23 The microbe, Paramecium aurelium belongs to the large "Group" Alveolata because it
Question 24 Which one of the following is not included among the seven basic characteristics used to classify living things?
Question 25 A relationship between individuals of two species in which members of one species are benefited and members of the other species are unaffected is termed

Question 1
The microbe, Euglena gracilis belongs to the large "Group" Discicristates because it
Question 2
The diatom, Ellerbeckia arenaria belongs to the large "Group" Stramenopiles because it
Question 3
The term “systematics” refers to
Question 4
Which one of the following is not included among the seven basic characteristics used to classify living things?
Question 5
The microbe, Paramecium aurelium belongs to the large "Group" Alveolata because it
Question 6
The functional role of a species within its habitat is referred to as its
Question 7
The state of flux in modern systematic groupings could best be described as/seen in
Question 8
From the Family level upwards toward higher levels of classification, which of the following choices gives the correct order?
Question 9
In the minds of design theorists, separate clades (large groups) derive from
Question 10
Which of the following defense tactics do plants use to keep from being preyed upon?
Question 11
Which of the following choices reflects a currently accepted classification scheme resulting from the state of flux in which modern systematic groupings exist?
Question 12
An evolutionary theorist believes that large groups of organisms are related to each other by _________ while a design theorist believes that such groups are related to each other in _________ .
Question 13
Your textbook describes two sequential _________ of interaction between organisms and their environments that have existed since God’s creative work began.
Question 14
Which of the following is one of the seven basic characteristics used to classify living things?
Question 15
During the springtime, a light wind blowing across a lake will foster the process of lake overturn. This timely event will bring together ___________ with _____________.
Question 16
The microbe, Pyrodictium occultum belongs to the large "Group" Archaea because it
Question 17
A relationship between individuals of two species in which members of one species are benefited and members of the other species are unaffected is termed
Question 18
The best term to describe the speciesspecies interaction between Pseudomyrmex ants and the bullhorn acacia plant would be
Question 19
In the mind of evolutionary theorists, separate clades (large groups) derive from
Question 20
The molecular structure of both water and ice is critical to the survival of lake life forms. All life in a lake would die in winter if
Question 21
From the species level upwards toward higher levels of classification, which of the following choices gives the correct order?
Question 22
The large eukaryote, Pisum sativum belongs to the large "Group" Plants because it
Question 23
The phytoplankton of a lake would be found in highest numbers in the ________ zone.
Question 24
In the human Greater honeyguide mutualism, the honeyguide bird is benefited by
Question 25
At which of the following levels of organization can the Peaks of Otter salamander be studied?

Question 1 All members of species Globigerina bulloides belong to the large "Group" known as
Question 2 The phytoplankton of a lake would be found in highest numbers in the ________ zone.
Question 3 At which of the following levels of organization can the Peaks of Otter salamander be studied?
Question 4 The large eukaryote, Amoeba proteus belongs to the large "Group" Amoebozoa because
Question 5 Studying competition between the Peaks of Otter salamander and the Eastern Redback salamander would be an example of studying ecology at the _______ level.
Question 6 Which of the following is one of the seven basic characteristics used to classify living things?
Question 7 Which of the following choices names one of the various zones found in a lake?
Question 8 The large eukaryote, Zonotrichia leucophrys belongs to the large "Group" Opisthokonta because it
Question 9 Because man is warm-blooded, has a double circulation, gets early nutrition from a placenta and has hair he finds himself in
Question 10 Which of the following is a problem that confounds attempts to organize the entire living world for study?
Question 11 The state of flux in modern systematic groupings could best be described as/seen in
Question 12 The molecular structure of both water and ice is critical to the survival of lake life forms. All life in a lake would die in winter if
Question 13 Which of the following is one of seven basic characteristics used to classify living things?
Question 14 Which one of the following is not included among the seven basic characteristics used to classify living things?
Question 15 The microbe, Pyrodictium occultum belongs to the large "Group" Archaea because it
Question 16 During the springtime, a light wind blowing across a lake will foster the process of lake overturn. This timely event will bring together ___________ with _____________.
Question 17 The diatom, Ellerbeckia arenaria belongs to the large "Group" Stramenopiles because it
Question 18 Which of the following choices reflects a currently accepted classification scheme resulting from the state of flux in which modern systematic groupings exist?
Question 19 Because man has five digits including an opposable thumb and is a more highly visual organism he finds himself in
Question 20 Which of the following is a problem that confounds attempts to organize the entire living world for study?
Question 21 Characteristics chosen for the classification of living things at the highest levels of organization
Question 22 Attempts to organize the entire living world for study are confounded by
Question 23 When a student evaluates a forest area for the changes in number of Peaks of Otter salamander over time she is studying ecology at the level of the
Question 24 An evolutionary theorist believes that large groups of organisms are related to each other by _________ while a design theorist believes that such groups are related to each other in _________ .
Question 25 Species of organisms are collected into a Genus by

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