Monday, April 10, 2017

Liberty University APOL 104 test 6 solutions answers right

Liberty University APOL 104 test 6 solutions answers right
How many versions: More than 5 versions

Question 1 An “agnostic” is a person who believes that God exists but does not think there is enough evidence to prove He exists.
Question 2 Typically a subjectivist wants to be treated subjectively by others.
Question 3 God’s restrictive boundaries for human behavior first began:
Question 4 By definition, “__________________” is the blending of ideas and values from different or opposing worldviews.
Question 5 The subjectivity of defining pleasure means that a hedonist could justify injustices.
Question 6 Who is most closely associated with Utilitarianism:
Question 7 John Calvin’s teachings may be considered by some to be an example of:
Question 8 If a Secularist rejects the Bible, don’t encourage him/her to read the Bible until you give him/her a good apologetic response to their objections.
Question 9 A person who determines morality based upon what man says or thinks is approaching morality
Question 10 Ethics has to do with what a person ought to do rather than what a person does.
Question 11 Hedonism views the value of actions by their resulting:
Question 12 A person’s worldview should impact his/her approach to moral decision making.
Question 13 A moral absolute would be true for all people at all times, and is not subject to change.
Question 14 The Old Testament law was intended by God to save man from their sin.
Question 15 The kind of people, or “heroes” this system produces is a chief criticism of _______________.
Question 16 During the Age of Enlightenment people elevated the teachings of the Church as the ultimate test for truth since they were being enlightened by the Word of God.
Question 17 According to Powell, the reality of a personal, authoritative lawgiver (God) as the source of morality is reasonably indicated through
Question 18 The Bible indicates that not all pleasures are good and not all pain is evil.
Question 19 Which of the following statements gives the best description/s of Subjectivism:
Question 20 Who said, “I think therefore I am” which caused him to become a religious reformer.

The beliefs of Secularism include
Some forms of deterministic thinking describe certain behaviors as a matter of genetic destiny rather than personal choice
Which of the following statements gives the best description/s of Subjectivism
A person who determines morality based upon what man says or thinks is approaching morality
A person’s worldview should impact his/her approach to moral decision making
Which of the following theories specifically focuses on the results/end of an act to determine the morality of that act
An “atheist” is one who says there is sufficient evidence to show that God does not exist.
As Christians, the Bible should be our ultimate guide for making moral decisions
The invention of the Gutenberg printing press influenced both the Reformation and the Renaissance
The cultural relativist believes that moral beliefs are nothing more than cultural norms
The subjectivity of defining pleasure means that a hedonist could justify injustices
This philosophy asserts that all human actions can ultimately be understood by observing cause and effect
John Calvin’s teachings may be considered by some to be an example of
The Second Law of Thermodynamics gives evidence that the universe has not always existed
An “agnostic” is a person who believes that God exists but does not think there is enough evidence to prove He exists
A belief in determinism undermines a belief in the sovereignty of God
“Soft” determinism is not as fatalistic in nature as hard determinism
Typically a subjectivist wants to be treated subjectively by others
“I believe that abortion is morally right because a majority of people in this community believe it to be so”. -  This is an example of:
The kind of people, or “heroes” this system produces is a chief criticism of _______________.

Question 1
0 out of 3 points
Cultural relativism is best understood as
Question 2
3 out of 3 points
Who said, I think therefore I am which caused him to become a religious reformer.
Question 3
3 out of 3 points
Using a relativistic approach, what is true now may not be true in the future.
Question 4
3 out of 3 points
Which statement would best illustrates the concept of Hedonism:
Question 5
3 out of 3 points
I believe that abortion is morally right because a majority of people in this community believe it to be so. - This is an example of:
Question 6
3 out of 3 points
An agnostic is a person who believes that God exists but does not think there is enough evidence to prove He exists.
Question 7
3 out of 3 points
A belief in determinism undermines a belief in the sovereignty of God.
Question 8
3 out of 3 points
By definition, __________________ is the blending of ideas and values from different or opposing worldviews.
Question 9
3 out of 3 points
Typically a subjectivist wants to be treated subjectively by others.
Question 10
3 out of 3 points
Powell specifically argues that humans come to know objective morality through ___________.
Question 11
3 out of 3 points
According to Secularism, God did not make man in His image; instead, manmade God in his image.
Question 12
3 out of 3 points
_________________ is the idea that self-interest or personal happiness should be the goal of all actions.
Question 13
0 out of 3 points
The kind of people, or heroes this system produces is a chief criticism of _______________.
Question 14
3 out of 3 points
By definition, __________________ is the view that right and wrong depends upon ones culture, social group, or personal perspective.
Question 15
3 out of 3 points
Soft determinism is not as fatalistic in nature as hard determinism.
Question 16
3 out of 3 points
Christian ethics contends that the absolute standard of goodness is the very person of God.
Question 17
0 out of 3 points
The criminalization of moral reformers, who would stand against the majority rule and say it is wrong, is a specific consequence and criticism of ______________.
Question 18
3 out of 3 points
The Bible indicates that not all pleasures are good and not all pain is evil.
Question 19
3 out of 3 points
An atheist is one who says there is sufficient evidence to show that God does not exist.
Question 20
3 out of 3 points
I determine what is right and wrong, and you should not try to force your values on me.” – This is an example of:

Question 1
John Calvin’s teachings may be considered by some to be an example of:
Question 2
Jesus made the assertion that there is a direct relation between the way people treat ____________, and the way they revere and respect God.
Question 3
Belief in (the theory of) Evolution is ultimately based upon faith.
Question 4
During the Age of Enlightenment people elevated the teachings of the Church as the ultimate test for truth since they were being enlightened by the Word of God.
Question 5
__________________ said that “Man is the measure of all things”?
Question 6
A belief in determinism undermines a belief in the sovereignty of God.
Question 7
A person’s worldview should impact his/her approach to moral decision making.
Question 8
Some forms of deterministic thinking describe certain behaviors as a matter of genetic destiny rather than personal choice.
Question 9
Using a relativistic approach, what is true now may not be true in the future.
Question 10
Who is most closely associated with Utilitarianism:
Question 11
The Bible indicates that not all pleasures are good and not all pain is evil.
Question 12
There are no logical responses to the Problem of Evil which causes most Secularists to reject Christianity.
Question 13
_________________ is the idea that selfinterest or personal happiness should be the goal of all actions.
Question 14
Historically, the advantage of Utilitarianism is that it has always resulted in the avoidance of human rights injustices.
Question 15
By showing a subjective relativist how they actually expect to be treated with dignity and respect, rather than have their relativism applied to them in cruel treatment, abuse, or the relativizing of their passions, Powell believes we can:
Question 16
The Old Testament law was intended by God to save man from their sin.
Question 17
The kind of people, or “heroes” this system produces is a chief criticism of _______________.
Question 18
This philosophy asserts that all human actions can ultimately be understood by observing cause and effect
Question 19
A specific criticism of _________ is that the mere disagreement about what is moral does not automatically lead to the conclusion that there is no moral truth.
Question 20
A deterministic approach always gives a sense of relief to an individual.

“_________________” is the idea that self-interest or personal happiness should be the goal of all actions
The subjective relativist believes that truth is subject to individual interpretation and experience
Jesus made the assertion that there is a direct relation between the way people treat ____________, and the way they revere and respect God
A person’s worldview should impact their approach to moral decision making
The fact that we see diversity between the morals of cultures is a clear indication that moral absolutes do not exist
Hedonism views actions by their resulting
A conventional relativist assumes that what is right in his/her society would also be true in another society
The cultural relativist believes that moral beliefs are nothing more than cultural norms
These theories specifically focus on the results/end of an act to determine the morality of that act
As Christians, the Bible should be our ultimate guide for making moral decisions
Which Greek philosopher is most commonly associated with hedonism
Which of the following statements gives the best description/s of Subjectivism
This philosophy asserts that all human actions can ultimately be understood by observing cause and effect
Christian ethics contends that the absolute standard of goodness is the very person of God
Determinism provides a means to avoid moral responsibility
Some forms of deterministic thinking describe certain behaviors as a matter of genetic destiny rather than personal choice
A moral absolute would be true for all people at all times, and is not subject to change
Which statement would best illustrates the concept of Hedonism
“__________________” said that “Man is the measure of all things
“Soft” determinism is not as fatalistic in nature as hard determinism

Question 1
Which Greek philosopher is most commonly associated with hedonism?
Question 2
Some forms of deterministic thinking describe certain behaviors as a matter of genetic destiny rather than personal choice.
Question 3
John Calvin’s teachings may be considered by some to be an example of:
Question 4
Which of the following statements gives the best description/s of Subjectivism:
Question 5
These theories specifically focus on the results/end of an act to determine the morality of that act.
Question 6
Christian ethics contends that the absolute standard of goodness is the very person of God.
Question 7
A deterministic approach always gives a sense of relief to an individual.
Question 8
Using a relativistic approach, what is true now may not be true in the future.
Question 9
The Bible indicates that not all pleasures are good and not all pain is evil.
Question 10
Determinism provides a means to avoid moral responsibility.
Question 11
Jesus made it clear that it is impossible for man to justify himself.
Question 12
The fact that we see diversity between the morals of cultures is a clear indication that moral absolutes do not exist.
Question 13
"Soft determinism" is less harsh in its rhetoric than is "hard determinism", but the two are consistent in the final outcome.
Question 14
As Christians, the Bible should be our ultimate guide for making moral decisions.
Question 15
Ethics has to do with what a person ought to do rather than what a person does.
Question 16
A person who determines morality based upon what man says or thinks is approaching morality
Question 17
Hedonism views actions by their resulting:
Question 18
Hedonism does not acknowledge the existence of moral absolutes.
Question 19
Who is most closely associated with Utilitarianism:
Question 20
A person’s worldview should impact their approach to moral decision making.

Question 1
0 out of 3 points
These theories specifically focus on the results/end of an act to determine the morality of that act.
Question 2
3 out of 3 points
The cultural relativist believes that moral beliefs are nothing more than cultural norms.
Question 3
3 out of 3 points
Who is most closely associated with Utilitarianism:
Question 4
3 out of 3 points
Which statement would best illustrates the concept of Hedonism:
Question 5
3 out of 3 points
Jesus made it clear that it is impossible for man to justify himself.
Question 6
3 out of 3 points
The Old Testament law was intended by God to save man from their sin.
Question 7
3 out of 3 points
Christian ethics contends that the absolute standard of goodness is the very person of God.
Question 8
3 out of 3 points
Hedonism does not acknowledge the existence of moral absolutes.
Question 9
3 out of 3 points
Some forms of deterministic thinking describe certain behaviors as a matter of genetic destiny rather than personal choice.
Question 10
3 out of 3 points
Using a relativistic approach, what is true now may not be true in the future.
Question 11
3 out of 3 points
Which Greek philosopher is most commonly associated with hedonism?
Question 12
3 out of 3 points
“__________________” said that “Man is the measure of all things
Question 13
3 out of 3 points
The subjectivity of defining pleasure means that a hedonist could justify injustices.
Question 14
3 out of 3 points
RsQ_032By definition, “__________________” is the view that right and wrong depends upon one’s culture, social group, or personal perspective.
Question 15
3 out of 3 points
As Christians, the Bible should be our ultimate guide for making moral decisions.
Question 16
3 out of 3 points
“_________________” is the idea that self-interest or personal happiness should be the goal of all actions.
Question 17
3 out of 3 points
“Soft” determinism is not as fatalistic in nature as hard determinism.
Question 18
3 out of 3 points
A person’s worldview should impact their approach to moral decision making.
Question 19
3 out of 3 points
John Calvin’s teachings may be considered by some to be an example of:
Question 20
3 out of 3 points
Which of the following statements gives the best description/s of Subjectivism:

1.)  Jesus made the assertion that there is direct relation between the way people treat ____, and the way they revere and respect God?
2.)  Determinism provides a means to avoid moral responsibility?
3.)  As Christians, the Bible should be our ultimate guide for making moral decisions? 
4.)  The subjective relativeness believes that truth is subject to individual interpretation and experience?
5.)  A person’s worldview should impact their approach to moral decision making?
6.)  The subjectivity of defining pleasure means that a hedonist could justify injustices?
7.)  “Soft” determinism is not as fatalistic in nature as hard determinism?
8.)  A theistic determinist believes that everything must be determined by God for him to remain sovereign?
9.)  “I believe that abortion is morally right because a majority of the people in this community believe it to be so”. This is an example of what?
10.) Hedonism views actions by their resulting?
11.) John Calvin’s teachings may be considered by some to be an example of?
12.) The fact that we see diversity between the morals of cultures is a clear indication that moral absolutes do not exist?
13.) A deterministic approach always gives a sense of relief to an individual?
14.) Jesus made it clear that it is impossible for man to justify himself?
15.) This philosophy asserts that all human actions can ultimately be understood by observing cause and effect?
16.) Which Greek philosopher is most commonly associated with Hedonism?
17.) Christian ethics contends that the absolute standard of goodness is the very person of God?
18.) These theories specially focus on the results/end of an act to determine morality of the act?
19.) God’s restrictive boundaries for human behavior first began?

20.) The Bible indicates that not all pleasers are good and not all pain is evil? 

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