Saturday, April 15, 2017

Liberty University BIBL 104 quiz 1 solutions answers right

Liberty University BIBL 104 quiz 1 solutions answers right
How many versions: 4 different versions

Question 1 The process in which the canon was formed is rather complicated. However, some offer the following three tests for a book to be considered part of the canon: (1) apostolicity; (2) rule of faith; and (3) being heavily debated and contested.
Question 2 Within the context of our study of the term, “inspiration” describes the "divine oversight" related to the writing of scripture.
Question 3 What is meant by functional equivalence translation of the Scripture?
Question 4 What is most significant about believing that the Bible is God’s Word?
Question 5 During which Old Testament book did the events of Job most likely take place?
Question 6 All of Paul’s letters were written during the time period covered by Acts.
Question 7 The Bible should be seen simply as a roadmap for life.
Question 8 What best captures what is meant by “The Bible is God’s story”?
Question 9 A biblical worldview does not require the belief that the Bible is authoritative.
Question 10 The name of the oldest New Testament canon is the Muratorian Canon.
Question 11 In what way does the Pentateuch (Torah) lay the foundation for Western civilization?
Question 12 How does the character or nature of God influence our understanding of the Bible as an inerrant or error­free book?
Question 13 What is the Septuagint?
Question 14 Which is the only truly anonymous letter in the New Testament?
Question 15 What does the term canon mean in relation to biblical books?
Question 16 What are the five main genre categories of the Old Testament?
Question 17 What best captures "How is God accomplishing his plan"?
Question 18 The Bible is written in a variety of literary genres.
Question 19 Hebrew poetry is rich in its use of figurative language.
Question 20 To live out a biblical worldview, a person must seek to understand and then to apply God’s truth.

Question 1 Finding the theological principle in the biblical text is perhaps the most challenging step in the Interpretive Journey.
Question 2 The Bible is written in a variety of literary genres.
Question 3 What does the term canon mean in relation to biblical books?
Question 4 In which language are the books of the New Testament written?
Question 5 Regarding the reliability of the Old Testament documents, according to Towns and Hindson, no other documents from the ancient world were as accurately copied, preserved, and transmitted as the Old Testament Scriptures.
Question 6 A biblical worldview does not require the belief that the Bible is authoritative.
Question 7 The Holy Spirit helps us understand Scripture, but he doesn’t eliminate knowing the rules of grammar, understanding the meaning of words, or studying the historical background of the text.
Question 8 According to Hayes and Duval “The Bible is not a book of abstract, technical information. It is a book about relationships, primarily relationships between___________”.
Question 9 How do the major and minor prophets still speak to us today?
Question 10 According to Hayes and Duvall, there are the five steps of the Interpretive Journey.
Question 11 In what way does the Pentateuch (Torah) lay the foundation for Western civilization?
Question 12 The process in which the canon was formed is rather complicated. However, some offer the following three tests for a book to be considered part of the canon: (1) apostolicity; (2) rule of faith; and (3) being heavily debated and contested.
Question 13 The threefold divisions of the Hebrew canon are the Law, the Prophets, and the Writings.
Question 14 According to Hayes and Duvall “Sometimes an author will introduce an idea with a general statement — that is, an overview or summary of their main idea. The author will then follow this general statement with the____________ of the idea”.
Question 15 What is the function and purpose of textual criticism?
Question 16 What are some basic rules of interpretation that we reviewed that we should apply to reading the Bible?
Question 17 According to Hayes and Duvall, most of us read the Bible too quickly and we skip over the details of the text.
Question 18 Today many Christians frequently employ an intuitive or feels­right approach to interpretation.
Question 19 What are the weaknesses of the Documentary Hypothesis?

Question 20 The themes of the Historical Books revolve around God’s activity in calling, choosing, punishing, redeeming, and using the ______________ as His covenant people to accomplish His global purposes. 

Question 1
What is the Septuagint?
Question 2
According to our text what did the completion of God’s plan accomplish for human beings?
Question 3
The Bible is written in a variety of literary genres.
Question 4
What is the largest book of the Writings that often served as the title of this section?
Question 5
The themes of the Historical Books revolve around God’s activity in calling, choosing, punishing, redeeming, and using the ______________ as His covenant people to accomplish His global purposes.
Question 6
Towns and Hindson tell us to, “Interpret every verse in light of the author’s…”
Question 7
What does the term canon mean in relation to biblical books?
Question 8
The Books of Old Testament Law can be dismissed as old and no longer apply to us today.
Question 9
Hebrew poetry is rich in its use of figurative language.
Question 10
Who was responsible for the first translation of the New Testament into English?
Question 11
What best captures "How is God accomplishing his plan"?
Question 12
What is the title of the single book that contained all the Minor Prophets?
Question 13
Finding the theological principle in the biblical text is perhaps the most challenging step in the
Interpretive Journey.
Question 14
What best captures what is meant by “The Bible is God’s story”?
Question 15
If you were to buy a King James version of the Bible today, what year was it most likely revised?
Question 16
What is most significant about believing that the Bible is God’s Word?
Question 17
There is very little difference in a paraphrase and formal or functional equivalence translations.
Question 18
How does the character or nature of God influence our understanding of the Bible as an inerrant or Errorfree book?
Question 19
The context of a biblical passage is very important.
Question 20
How do the major and minor prophets still speak to us today?

Question 1 According to Hayes and Duvall “Sometimes an author will introduce an idea with a general statement — that is, an overview or summary of their main idea. The author will then follow this general statement with the____________ of the idea”.
Question 2 A biblical worldview does not require the belief that the Bible is authoritative.
Question 3 Historical­cultural context refers to the biblical writer, biblical audience, and any other historical cultural elements touch on by the passage itself.
Question 4 The context of a biblical passage is very important.
Question 5 According to Hayes and Duvall, most of us read the Bible too quickly and we skip over the details of the text.
Question 6 The threefold divisions of the Hebrew canon are the Law, the Prophets, and the Writings.
Question 7 To live out a biblical worldview, a person must seek to understand and then to apply God’s truth.
Question 8 The themes of the Historical Books revolve around God’s activity in calling, choosing, punishing, redeeming, and using the ______________ as His covenant people to accomplish His global purposes.
Question 9 Today many Christians frequently employ an intuitive or feels­right approach to interpretation.
Question 10 What does the term canon mean in relation to biblical books?
Question 11 What are some basic rules of interpretation that we reviewed that we should apply to reading the Bible?
Question 12 Regarding the reliability of the Old Testament documents, according to Towns and Hindson, no other documents from the ancient world were as accurately copied, preserved, and transmitted as the Old Testament Scriptures.
Question 13 The Holy Spirit helps us understand Scripture, but he doesn’t eliminate knowing the rules of grammar, understanding the meaning of words, or studying the historical background of the text.
Question 14 The process in which the canon was formed is rather complicated. However, some offer the following three tests for a book to be considered part of the canon: (1) apostolicity; (2) rule of faith; and (3) being heavily debated and contested.
Question 15 What is the function and purpose of textual criticism?
Question 16 How do the major and minor prophets still speak to us today?
Question 17 According to Hayes and Duvall, there are the five steps of the Interpretive Journey.
Question 18 Finding the theological principle in the biblical text is perhaps the most challenging step in the Interpretive Journey.
Question 19 Hebrew poetry is rich in its use of figurative language.
Question 20 In what way does the Pentateuch (Torah) lay the foundation for Western civilization?

Question 1 Regarding the reliability of the Old Testament documents, according to Towns and Hindson, no other documents from the ancient world were as accurately copied, preserved, and transmitted as the Old Testament Scriptures.
Question 2 A biblical worldview does not require the belief that the Bible is authoritative.
Question 3 To live out a biblical worldview, a person must seek to understand and then to apply God’s truth.
Question 4 The context of a biblical passage is very important.
Question 5 The themes of the Historical Books revolve around God’s activity in calling, choosing, punishing, redeeming, and using the ______________ as His covenant people to accomplish His global purposes.
Question 6 What are some basic rules of interpretation that we reviewed that we should apply to reading the Bible?
Question 7 What is the function and purpose of textual criticism?
Question 8 Today many Christians frequently employ an intuitive or feels­right approach to interpretation.
Question 9 The threefold divisions of the Hebrew canon are the Law, the Prophets, and the Writings.
Question 10 The Bible is written in a variety of literary genres.
Question 11 The Holy Spirit helps us understand Scripture, but he doesn’t eliminate knowing the rules of grammar, understanding the meaning of words, or studying the historical background of the text.
Question 12 According to Hayes and Duvall “Sometimes an author will introduce an idea with a general statement — that is, an overview or summary of their main idea. The author will then follow this general statement with the____________ of the idea”.
Question 13 What are the weaknesses of the Documentary Hypothesis?
Question 14 In which language are the books of the New Testament written?
Question 15 The process in which the canon was formed is rather complicated. However, some offer the following three tests for a book to be considered part of the canon: (1) apostolicity; (2) rule of faith; and (3) being heavily debated and contested.
Question 16 According to Hayes and Duvall, most of us read the Bible too quickly and we skip over the details of the text.
Question 17 In what way does the Pentateuch (Torah) lay the foundation for Western civilization?
Question 18 Hebrew poetry is rich in its use of figurative language.
Question 19 According to Hayes and Duval “The Bible is not a book of abstract, technical information. It is a book about relationships, primarily relationships between___________”.
Question 20 What does the term canon mean in relation to biblical books?

Question 1 According to Hayes and Duvall, there are the five steps of the Interpretive Journey.
Question 2 The themes of the Historical Books revolve around God’s activity in calling, choosing, punishing, redeeming, and using the ______________ as His covenant people to accomplish His global purposes.
Question 3 To live out a biblical worldview, a person must seek to understand and then to apply God’s truth.
Question 4 What does the term canon mean in relation to biblical books?
Question 5 What are the weaknesses of the Documentary Hypothesis?
Question 6 A biblical worldview does not require the belief that the Bible is authoritative.
Question 7 In which language are the books of the New Testament written?
Question 8 What is the function and purpose of textual criticism?
Question 9 According to Hayes and Duvall “Sometimes an author will introduce an idea with a general statement — that is, an overview or summary of their main idea. The author will then follow this general statement with the____________ of the idea”.
Question 10 Hebrew poetry is rich in its use of figurative language.
Question 11 The threefold divisions of the Hebrew canon are the Law, the Prophets, and the Writings.
Question 12 Historical­cultural context refers to the biblical writer, biblical audience, and any other historical cultural elements touch on by the passage itself.
Question 13 Finding the theological principle in the biblical text is perhaps the most challenging step in the Interpretive Journey.
Question 14 The Holy Spirit helps us understand Scripture, but he doesn’t eliminate knowing the rules of grammar, understanding the meaning of words, or studying the historical background of the text.
Question 15 In what way does the Pentateuch (Torah) lay the foundation for Western civilization?
Question 16 The context of a biblical passage is very important.
Question 17 The Bible is written in a variety of literary genres.
Question 18 Towns and Hindson tell us to, “Interpret every verse in light of the author’s…”
Question 19 What are some basic rules of interpretation that we reviewed that we should apply to reading the Bible?
Question 20 Regarding the reliability of the Old Testament documents, according to Towns and Hindson, no other documents from the ancient world were as accurately copied, preserved, and transmitted as the Old Testament Scriptures.

Question 1 According to Hayes and Duval “The Bible is not a book of abstract, technical information. It is a book about relationships, primarily relationships between___________”.
Question 2 According to Hayes and Duvall “Sometimes an author will introduce an idea with a general statement — that is, an overview or summary of their main idea. The author will then follow this general statement with the____________ of the idea”.
Question 3 To live out a biblical worldview, a person must seek to understand and then to apply God’s truth.
Question 4 What does the term canon mean in relation to biblical books?
Question 5 What is the function and purpose of textual criticism?
Question 6 Hebrew poetry is rich in its use of figurative language.
Question 7 In what way does the Pentateuch (Torah) lay the foundation for Western civilization?
Question 8 In which language are the books of the New Testament written?
Question 9 Finding the theological principle in the biblical text is perhaps the most challenging step in the Interpretive Journey.
Question 10 According to Hayes and Duvall, most of us read the Bible too quickly and we skip over the details of the text.
Question 11 Regarding the reliability of the Old Testament documents, according to Towns and Hindson, no other documents from the ancient world were as accurately copied, preserved, and transmitted as the Old Testament Scriptures.
Question 12 According to Hayes and Duvall, there are the five steps of the Interpretive Journey.
Question 13 The context of a biblical passage is very important.
Question 14 What are some basic rules of interpretation that we reviewed that we should apply to reading the Bible?
Question 15 The process in which the canon was formed is rather complicated. However, some offer the following three tests for a book to be considered part of the canon: (1) apostolicity; (2) rule of faith; and (3) being heavily debated and contested.
Question 16 How do the major and minor prophets still speak to us today?
Question 17 The Bible is written in a variety of literary genres.
Question 18 The Holy Spirit helps us understand Scripture, but he doesn’t eliminate knowing the rules of grammar, understanding the meaning of words, or studying the historical background of the text.
Question 19 A biblical worldview does not require the belief that the Bible is authoritative.
Question 20 The threefold divisions of the Hebrew canon are the Law, the Prophets, and the Writings.

What best captures “How is God accomplishing his plan”?
All of Paul’s letters were written during the time period covered by Acts.
The name of the oldest New Testament cannon is the Muratorian Canon
What best captures what is meant by “The Bible is God’s story”?
Which is the only truly anonymous letter in the New Testament?
During which Old Testament book did the events of Job most likely take place?
What problems arise when we view the Bible as only a book of rules or a book that highlights instructions for our lives?
Our understanding of the core of the gospel of Jesus Christ is drawn from I Corinthians 15-14.
Who was responsible for the first translation of the New Testament into English?
Which genre of the New Testament is unique to the Bible?
Explain what makes the Psalms unique among other books of the Old Testament.
What is the Septuagint?
How do 2 Timothy 3:16-17 and 1 Peter 1:20-21 help answer the question, who wrote the Bible?
What role did the Holy Spirit play in the writing of the Bible?
Viewing the Bible as a collection of human role models is a good approach to understanding the Scriptures.
There is very little difference in a paraphrase and formal or functional equivalence translations.
Our text makes it clear Christians simply cannot claim to have the only “word of God” because there are so many different Bibles.

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