Saturday, April 15, 2017

Liberty University BIBL 104 quiz 4 solutions answers right

Liberty University BIBL 104 quiz 4 solutions answers right
How many versions: 4 different versions

Question 1 When God finally responds to Job (38:1 – 41:34), a dialogue takes place where Job asks God questions regarding suffering, and God replies with the answers.
Question 2 In describing the enormity of Job’s losses, it would be accurate to say all of Job’s earthly possessions were taken from him. His servants and all his children were killed. Job was afflicted with painful sores from the bottom of his feet to the top of his head.
Question 3 Why did God allow such events to happen to Job?
Question 4 As a result of all these tragedies, Job’s wife loses faith and turns her back on God.
Question 5 Proverbs concentrates primarily on lofty philosophical issues and matters often debated in theology.
Question 6 The Psalms reflect the passion of the true worshipper and express the full range of human emotions as we enter into God’s presence and seek His help for daily living.
Question 7 What indications does the text give that the writer of Ecclesiastes is Solomon?
Question 8 How was Elihu’s perspective different and unique?
Question 9 At least twenty­five of the 116 quotations from Psalms predictively refer to Christ, the anointed messianic King.
Question 10 In many ways, Proverbs serves as a teacher’s manual for teaching biblical principles of success, prosperity, and godly living.
Question 11 How is the Hebrew term hevel (“meaningless,” “vapor,” or “futility”) used throughout the book?
Question 12 The book of Job is comprised primarily of poetic dialogue; only the first two chapters and the last chapter are narrative.
Question 13 There is no real sense of meaning and purpose to life without God.
Question 14 A proverb is a short poetic sentence conveying wisdom in a concise and memorable form.
Question 15 What was wrong with the advice of Job’s three friends?
Question 16 What practical matters are addressed in the book of Proverbs?
Question 17 Hebrew poetry is characterized by terseness, a high degree of structure, and figurative imagery.
Question 18 While the focus of the royal psalms is the human Davidic king, the theme of the kingship (or enthronement) psalms is ….
Question 19 The key elements of a lament include:
Question 20 Hayes and Duvall advocate interpreting Psalms in the same fashion as you would Romans.

Question 1 Proverbs concentrates primarily on lofty philosophical issues and matters often debated in theology.
Question 2 The key elements of a lament include:
Question 3 Why did God allow such events to happen to Job?
Question 4 In many ways, Proverbs serves as a teacher’s manual for teaching biblical principles of success, prosperity, and godly living.
Question 5 A proverb is a short poetic sentence conveying wisdom in a concise and memorable form.
Question 6 While the focus of the royal psalms is the human Davidic king, the theme of the kingship (or enthronement) psalms is ….
Question 7 There is no real sense of meaning and purpose to life without God.
Question 8 According to Hayes and Duvall it is not important to observe the emotional dimension of the psalms.
Question 9 In describing the enormity of Job’s losses, it would be accurate to say all of Job’s earthly possessions were taken from him. His servants and all his children were killed. Job was afflicted with painful sores from the bottom of his feet to the top of his head.
Question 10 How is the Hebrew term hevel (“meaningless,” “vapor,” or “futility”) used throughout the book?
Question 11 How was Elihu’s perspective different and unique?
Question 12 As a result of all these tragedies, Job’s wife loses faith and turns her back on God.
Question 13 When God finally responds to Job (38:1 – 41:34), a dialogue takes place where Job asks God questions regarding suffering, and God replies with the answers.
Question 14 What was wrong with the advice of Job’s three friends?
Question 15 What indications does the text give that the writer of Ecclesiastes is Solomon?
Question 16 Hayes and Duvall advocate interpreting Psalms in the same fashion as you would Romans.
Question 17 Hebrew poetry is characterized by terseness, a high degree of structure, and figurative imagery.
Question 18 The Psalms reflect the passion of the true worshipper and express the full range of human emotions as we enter into God’s presence and seek His help for daily living.
Question 19 What practical matters are addressed in the book of Proverbs?
Question 20 At least twenty­five of the 116 quotations from Psalms predictively refer to Christ, the anointed messianic King.

Question 1 Hayes and Duvall advocate interpreting Psalms in the same fashion as you would Romans.
Question 2 In describing the enormity of Job’s losses, it would be accurate to say all of Job’s earthly possessions were taken from him. His servants and all his children were killed. Job was afflicted with painful sores from the bottom of his feet to the top of his head.
Question 3 What indications does the text give that the writer of Ecclesiastes is Solomon?
Question 4 How was Elihu’s perspective different and unique?
Question 5 A proverb is a short poetic sentence conveying wisdom in a concise and memorable form.
Question 6 What was wrong with the advice of Job’s three friends?
Question 7 As a result of all these tragedies, Job’s wife loses faith and turns her back on God.
Question 8 In many ways, Proverbs serves as a teacher’s manual for teaching biblical principles of success, prosperity, and godly living.
Question 9 While the focus of the royal psalms is the human Davidic king, the theme of the kingship (or enthronement) psalms is ….
Question 10 According to Hayes and Duvall it is not important to observe the emotional dimension of the psalms.
Question 11 The Psalms reflect the passion of the true worshipper and express the full range of human emotions as we enter into God’s presence and seek His help for daily living.
Question 12 There is no real sense of meaning and purpose to life without God.
Question 13 The book of Job is comprised primarily of poetic dialogue.
Question 14 How is the Hebrew term hevel (“meaningless,” “vapor,” or “futility”) used throughout the book?
Question 15 Why did God allow such events to happen to Job?
Question 16 Hebrew poetry is characterized by terseness, a high degree of structure, and figurative imagery.
Question 17 Proverbs concentrates primarily on lofty philosophical issues and matters often debated in theology.
Question 18 What practical matters are addressed in the book of Proverbs?
Question 19 At least twenty­five of the 116 quotations from Psalms predictively refer to Christ, the anointed messianic King.
Question 20 When God finally responds to Job (38:1 – 41:34), a dialogue takes place where Job asks God questions regarding suffering, and God replies with the answers.

Question 1 The book of Job is comprised primarily of poetic dialogue.
Question 2 A proverb is a short poetic sentence conveying wisdom in a concise and memorable form.
Question 3 The key elements of a lament include:
Question 4 What practical matters are addressed in the book of Proverbs?
Question 5 What was wrong with the advice of Job’s three friends?
Question 6 There is no real sense of meaning and purpose to life without God.
Question 7 How was Elihu’s perspective different and unique?
Question 8 What indications does the text give that the writer of Ecclesiastes is Solomon?
Question 9 As a result of all these tragedies, Job’s wife loses faith and turns her back on God.
Question 10 When God finally responds to Job (38:1 – 41:34), a dialogue takes place where Job asks God questions regarding suffering, and God replies with the answers.
Question 11 While the focus of the royal psalms is the human Davidic king, the theme of the kingship (or enthronement) psalms is ….
Question 12 In describing the enormity of Job’s losses, it would be accurate to say all of Job’s earthly possessions were taken from him. His servants and all his children were killed. Job was afflicted with painful sores from the bottom of his feet to the top of his head.
Question 13 Why did God allow such events to happen to Job?
Question 14 The Psalms reflect the passion of the true worshipper and express the full range of human emotions as we enter into God’s presence and seek His help for daily living.
Question 15 How is the Hebrew term hevel (“meaningless,” “vapor,” or “futility”) used throughout the book?
Question 16 Hebrew poetry is characterized by terseness, a high degree of structure, and figurative imagery.
Question 17 In many ways, Proverbs serves as a teacher’s manual for teaching biblical principles of success, prosperity, and godly living.
Question 18 At least twenty­five of the 116 quotations from Psalms predictively refer to Christ, the anointed messianic King.
Question 19 According to Hayes and Duvall it is not important to observe the emotional dimension of the psalms.
Question 20 Proverbs concentrates primarily on lofty philosophical issues and matters often debated in theology.

Question 1 The Psalms reflect the passion of the true worshipper and express the full range of human emotions as we enter into God’s presence and seek His help for daily living.
Question 2 Why did God allow such events to happen to Job?
Question 3 What indications does the text give that the writer of Ecclesiastes is Solomon?
Question 4 Hayes and Duvall advocate interpreting Psalms in the same fashion as you would Romans.
Question 5 The book of Job is comprised primarily of poetic dialogue; only the first two chapters and the last chapter are narrative.
Question 6 How is the Hebrew term hevel (“meaningless,” “vapor,” or “futility”) used throughout the book?
Question 7 A proverb is a short poetic sentence conveying wisdom in a concise and memorable form.
Question 8 According to Hayes and Duvall it is not important to observe the emotional dimension of the psalms.
Question 9 How was Elihu’s perspective different and unique?
Question 10 What was wrong with the advice of Job’s three friends?
Question 11 At least twenty­five of the 116 quotations from Psalms predictively refer to Christ, the anointed messianic King.
Question 12 As a result of all these tragedies, Job’s wife loses faith and turns her back on God.
Question 13 Proverbs concentrates primarily on lofty philosophical issues and matters often debated in theology.
Question 14 Hebrew poetry is characterized by terseness, a high degree of structure, and figurative imagery.
Question 15 In many ways, Proverbs serves as a teacher’s manual for teaching biblical principles of success, prosperity, and godly living.
Question 16 What practical matters are addressed in the book of Proverbs?
Question 17 In describing the enormity of Job’s losses, it would be accurate to say all of Job’s earthly possessions were taken from him. His servants and all his children were killed. Job was afflicted with painful sores from the bottom of his feet to the top of his head.
Question 18 When God finally responds to Job (38:1 – 41:34), a dialogue takes place where Job asks God questions regarding suffering, and God replies with the answers.
Question 19 The key elements of a lament include:
Question 20 While the focus of the royal psalms is the human Davidic king, the theme of the kingship (or enthronement) psalms is ….

Question 1 According to our text, no spiritual preparations were made by the Israelites prior to the conquest of Canaan.
Question 2 How was Elihu’s perspective different and unique?
Question 3 The Psalms reflect the passion of the true worshipper and express the full range of human emotions as we enter into God’s presence and seek His help for daily living.
Question 4 In many ways, Proverbs serves as a teacher’s manual for teaching biblical principles of success, prosperity, and godly living.
Question 5 What is the difference between an independent and dependent clause?
Question 6 Proverbs concentrates primarily on lofty philosophical issues and matters often debated in theology.
Question 7 What are the two things accomplished by sentence diagramming?
Question 8 What is interchange, and why is it important to recognize it when we are studying Scripture?
Question 9 The literary technique of inclusio is exclusive to the Psalms in the Old Testament.
Question 10 Why did God allow such events to happen to Job?
Question 11 Comparisons and contrasts in the Scriptures are used to emphasize differences in order to make a point.
Question 12 While the focus of the royal psalms is the human Davidic king, the theme of the kingship (or enthronement) psalms is ….
Question 13 What was wrong with the advice of Job’s three friends?
Question 14 Why is it important to note repetition when we observe it in Scripture?
Question 15 At least twenty­five of the 116 quotations from Psalms predictively refer to Christ, the anointed messianic King.
Question 16 When God finally responds to Job (38:1 – 41:34), a dialogue takes place where Job asks God questions regarding suffering, and God replies with the answers.
Question 17 In describing the enormity of Job’s losses, it would be accurate to say all of Job’s earthly possessions were taken from him. His servants and all his children were killed. Job was afflicted with painful sores from the bottom of his feet to the top of his head.
Question 18 A chiasm is a structural element that redefines or shapes the entire narrative of the passage.
Question 19 Cause and effect is a structural element that states a cause and subsequent effect; or the reverse, effect is presented before the cause is identified.
Question 20 Israel's initial desire for a king was wrongly motivated.

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