Monday, April 10, 2017

Liberty University APOL 104 test 7 solutions answers right

Liberty University APOL 104 test 7 solutions answers right

How many versions: More than 6 versions


Question 1 Christian faith is best described as a blind leap.
Question 2 The main passage of Scripture that gives historical apologists purpose and direction can be found in _______________________.
Question 3 Christians should use clever rhetoric in their presentation if they hope to see people won to Christ.
Question 4 When a Christian shares the gospel message with an individual, they may also consider including their own personal testimony of salvation in the presentation.
Question 5 To formulate their conclusions, the historical apologists rely entirely on the historical record found within the New Testament.
Question 6 Global apologetics seeks to understand the beliefs of those from other major world systems, and anticipate the assumptions thy may have about Jesus Christ.
Question 7 Traditionally, the study of world religions has focused on the present beliefs of the various systems in the context of a global market.
Question 8 One of the top reasons a person gives for not becoming a Christian is the behavior of those who call themselves Christians.
Question 9 Secular world systems are not included in the six categories of Global Apologetics because they do not have a foundational belief in a deity or deities.
Question 10 There is an important connection between ones beliefs and behavior
Question 11 Historical apologetics believes that the launching pad for all apologetics is the historicity of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Question 12 Even strong Christians can make mistakes and make poor choices so we should put our hope in the Lord (Jesus Christ) and not people.
Question 13 The use of historical apologetics is a recent innovation devised and made popular by such men as Gary Habermas, Lee Strobel, and Mike Licona.
Question 14 Which of the following makes a person godly?
Question 15 As a person reads and studies the Bible they should ask:
Question 16 When someone understands how much you care for them it opens the opportunity to share the gospel with them.
Question 17 The urgency of sharing the gospel should overwhelm the need to be caring or kind in your presentation to people.
Question 18 An incarnational life demands surrender.
Question 19 Evangelism and apologetics are both grounded in the divine commandment found in Matt 28:19
Question 20 As we learn truths from the Bible it is important that we share those truths with others.

Question 1
Historical apologetics believes that the launching pad for all apologetics is the historicity of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Question 2
What a Christian does is as important as what they say when it comes to sharing the goodness of God with others.

Question 3

When a Christian shares the gospel message with an individual, they may also consider including their own personal testimony of salvation in the presentation.
Question 4
Christians should force a person to listen to their presentation of the gospel and not stop until they make a decision for Christ.
Question 5
To formulate their conclusions, the historical apologists rely entirely on the historical record found within the New Testament.
Question 6
An incarnational life demands surrender.
Question 7
Global apologetics seeks to understand the beliefs of those from other major world systems, and anticipate the assumptions thy may have about Jesus Christ.
Question 8
There is an important connection between one’s beliefs and behavior
Question 9
The main passage of Scripture that gives historical apologists purpose and direction can be found in _______________________.
Question 10
The urgency of sharing the gospel should overwhelm the need to be caring or kind in your presentation to people.
Question 11
It is important for Christians to have friendships with fellow believers so that they can encourage each another.
Question 12
God’s Word is able to stand the test of any examination and scrutiny.
Question 13
This category, as described in Global apologetics, views man as capable of achieving God-like status.
Question 14
Traditionally, the study of world religions has focused on the present beliefs of the various systems in the context of a global market.
Question 15
As we learn truths from the Bible it is important that we share those truths with others.
Question 16
Christians should use clever rhetoric in their presentation if they hope to see people won to Christ.
Question 17
How we present the biblical teachings of salvation is not addressed in the Bible so the manner in which we presented it is not important.
Question 18
Teaching or sharing biblical truth is beneficial to our spiritual lives
Question 19
Even strong Christians can make mistakes and make poor choices so we should put our hope in the Lord (Jesus Christ) and not people.
Question 20
Christians do not need to be concerned about the manner in which they present the gospel message.

Christian “faith” is best described as a blind leap
Sharing the gospel message requires a lot of details and therefore you should always allow at least 30 minutes
Teaching or sharing biblical truth is beneficial to our spiritual lives
To be an effective witness a person must have formal Bible college training
Christians should use clever rhetoric in their presentation if they hope to see people won to Christ
Even strong Christians can make mistakes and make poor choices so we should put our hope in the Lord (Jesus Christ) and not people
Incarnational apologetics is communicated through both actions and attitudes
There is an important connection between one’s beliefs and behavior
A godly person is someone who is willingly submissive to God’s ways
Christians should force a person to listen to their presentation of the gospel and not stop until they make a decision for Christ
When someone understands how much you care for them it opens the opportunity to share the gospel with them
_____________________ literally means to give a reason for our faith
Historical apologetics believes that the launching pad for all apologetics is the historicity of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ
What a Christian does is as important as what they say when it comes to sharing the goodness of God with others
Global apologetics seeks to understand the beliefs of those from other major world systems, and anticipate the assumptions thy may have about Jesus Christ
As a person reads and studies the Bible they should ask
One of the top reasons a person gives for not becoming a Christian is the behavior of those who call themselves Christians
When sharing the Gospel Christians should take time to listen the person to better understand their life situation
To formulate their conclusions, the historical apologists rely entirely on the historical record found within the New Testament
Secular world systems are not included in the six categories of Global Apologetics because they do not have a foundational belief in a deity or deities

Question 1
3 out of 3 points
Christians should use clever rhetoric in their presentation if they hope to see people won to Christ.
· Question 2
3 out of 3 points
What a Christian does is as important as what they say when it comes to sharing the goodness of God with others.
· Question 3
3 out of 3 points
God’s Word is able to stand the test of any examination and scrutiny.
· Question 4
3 out of 3 points
In 610 A.D., Muhammad received his first vision from Jesus Christ.
· Question 5
3 out of 3 points
When sharing the Gospel, it may be necessary to convert theological terms into simpler words.
Question 6
3 out of 3 points
Muslims believe that the Bible was corrupted by Jews and Christians
· Question 7
3 out of 3 points

Sharing the gospel message requires a lot of details and therefore you should always allow at least 30 minutes

· Question 8
3 out of 3 points
RsQ_019A good approach when witnessing to a Muslim is to look at the number of times Jesus predicted his own death because Muslims do not believe that Jesus actually died on the cross.
· Question 9
3 out of 3 points
It is important for Christians to have friendships with fellow believers so that they can encourage each another.
· Question 10
3 out of 3 points
As a person reads and studies the Bible they should ask:
· Question 11
3 out of 3 points
A godly person is someone who is willingly submissive to God’s ways.
Question 12
3 out of 3 points
In Islam, Jesus is considered to be a prophet but not the Son of God.
· Question 13
3 out of 3 points
Teaching or sharing biblical truth is beneficial to our spiritual lives
Question 14
3 out of 3 points
Even strong Christians can make mistakes and make poor choices so we should put our hope in the Lord (Jesus Christ) and not people.
· Question 15
3 out of 3 points
Muslims do not believe in the virgin birth of Jesus.
· Question 16
3 out of 3 points
The God of the Bible worshipped by Christians, and the God of the Qur’an (Koran) worshipped by Muslims, is the same God.
· Question 17
3 out of 3 points
When a Christian shares the gospel message with an individual, they may also consider including their own personal testimony of salvation in the presentation.
· Question 18
3 out of 3 points
Which of the following makes a person godly?
Question 19
3 out of 3 points
_____________________ literally means to give a reason for our faith.

· Question 20

3 out of 3 points
Evangelism and apologetics are both grounded in the divine commandment found in Matt 28:19 (The Great Commission).


Sharing the gospel message requires a lot of details and therefore you should always allow at
least 30 minutes.
It is important for Christians to have friendships with fellow believers so that they can
encourage each another.
The two major sects of Islam are the Sunni and the “____________”
Which of the following makes a person godly?
Muslims do not believe in the virgin birth of Jesus.
When sharing the Gospel, it may be necessary to convert theological terms into simpler words.
Islam was founded by:
Teaching or sharing biblical truth is beneficial to our spiritual lives
People can have saving faith without understanding the gospel.
A godly person is someone who is willingly submissive to God’s ways.
Muhammad’s visions would eventually be compiled into Islam’s sacred text, the Qur’an
In Islam, Jesus is considered to be a prophet but not the Son of God.
Christians should force a person to listen to their presentation of the gospel and not stop until
they make a decision for Christ.
One of the top reasons a person gives for not becoming a Christian is the behavior of those
who call themselves Christians.
The God of the Bible worshipped by Christians, and the God of the Qur’an (Koran)
worshipped by Muslims, is the same God.
Once an individual becomes a Muslim, they have assurance that they will be accepted on
Judgment Day and be allowed to enter Paradise.
Muslims believe that the Bible was corrupted by Jews and Christians
As a person reads and studies the Bible they should ask:
Christians do not need to be concerned about the manner in which they present the gospel
RsQ_019A good approach when witnessing to a Muslim is to look at the number of times
Jesus predicted his own death because Muslims do not believe that Jesus actually died on

the cross.

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