Thursday, August 10, 2017

Liberty University PHIL 201 Discussion Board 2 thread solution right

Liberty University PHIL 201 Discussion Board 2 thread solution right
Philosophy and Contemporary Ideas DB2 thread Group Discussion Board thread forum
You can choose it from many different papers.
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Group Discussion Board Forum 2 Instructions
To Torture or Not to Torture
Note: In order to fulfill this assignment, you need to have read chapters 5–7, 14 from the Holmes text. If you have not done so, please stop now and read that material.

One of the ethical controversies of recent times is the practice of using torture in obtaining information from suspected terrorists or those with knowledge of terrorist activities. Some believe that the current threat of terrorism warrants such drastic means while others believe that torture is never a justifiable manner in handling prisoners of war.

Suppose a situation presents itself in which we have strong reasons to believe a major attack on U.S. soil is immanent and that many lives will be put in danger. Security forces have captured a terrorist whom they have very good reasons to believe has vital information that can lead to thwarting this attack. They have tried the usual means of obtaining information from the prisoner and none of them have been successful. His resolve not to talk is quite strong. However, security forces now consider torturing the prisoner and believe with a high degree of probability that his resolve will be broken and he will supply the needed information. Should they torture the prisoner?

Submit both your thread and your reply for Group Discussion Board Forum 2 by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Friday of Module/Week 8.

Topic: To Torture or Not to Torture

Note: In order to fulfill this assignment, you need to have read the Group Discussion Board Forum 2 Instructions and the following chapters from Holmes: 
chs. 4–7, 14. If you have not done so, stop and read that material.

For your thread, post an answer to the following 2 questions with at least 350 words:
1.       From your understanding of Holmes’ discussions, explain how each of the following theories might answer the question: utilitarianism, Kantian duty-based ethics, virtue ethics, and Christian-principle based ethics.
2.       Select the theory you think is the most appropriate to take in this case and explain why.
For your reply, locate a member of your group with whom you disagree and tell him/her why you disagree with at least 200 words. The disagreement could be over which view he/she took or his/her understanding of the other views.

Any quotes from sources must be cited and will not count towards your word count. Your thread and reply are both due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on 
Friday of Module/Week 8.

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