Sunday, August 13, 2017

Liberty University THEO 201 Discussion Board 2 thread solution right

Liberty University THEO 201 Discussion Board 2 thread solution right
Tehology Survey I DB2 thread forum
You can choose it from many different papers.
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At times, theology can feel disconnected from everyday experiences. However, since Jesus is Lord over all and the gospel should shape how you view all of life, theology should be both deep and practical. Watch the Center for Apologetics and Cultural Engagement Interviews with Dr. Jeremy Treat – “Sports and Prayer” and “Sports and Theology Part 2” as he and Dr. Chatraw apply biblical theology to sports. Using this as an example, apply the theology learned in this course to a practical area of life. Choose from one of topics in the list below and write a thread applying theology to:
·         Work
·         Parenting
·         Science
·         Marriage
·         Friendship
·         Social Justice
·         Evangelism
Your thread must be at least 350 words, with a word count included at the end.

Submit your thread by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 6.

In your replies, discuss another way in which theology may apply to the area chosen by your classmate. How else might theology practically apply to the chosen area?

Your 2 replies must be at least 150 words each, with a word count included at the end.

Submit your replies by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 7.

Liberty University THEO 201 Discussion Board 1 thread solution right

Liberty University THEO 201 Discussion Board 1 thread solution right
Tehology Survey I DB1 thread forum
You can choose it from many different papers.
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Christians have historically claimed that as part of his special revelation, God has inspired the 39 books of the Old Testament and the 27 books of the New Testament. Watch the ACE interview featuring Dr. Chatraw with Dr. Ed Hindson on “The Old Testament,” as they discuss the challenges to belief in the Old Testament, the worldview issues involved, and the importance of submitting to Jesus’ Lordship.

After reviewing the Reading & Study materials for this module/week, respond to the following prompt: Name and explain 3–4 reasons for believing that the Bible is inspired by God, giving support for your assertions. Include at least 2 objections to the Bible’s inspiration.

Properly cite at least 2 scholarly sources as support in current 
Turabian format in addition to any Bible verses used. Include a word count at the end.

In your replies, address the objections your classmate discussed in his or her thread. How would you respond to those objections, and what would you use to support your claims? Include a word count at the end of each reply.

Submit your thread by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 3 and your replies by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 4.

Liberty University PSYC 101 Discussion Board 6 thread solution right

Liberty University PSYC 101 Discussion Board 6 thread solution right
General Psychology DB6 thread forum
You can choose it from many different papers.
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Topic: Psychological Disorders and Treatments

Choose one of the following disorders or a subtype within the major category:
·         Depression
·         Anxiety
·         Schizophrenia
Summarize key symptoms of the disorder as well as possible causes, citing your textbook. How might a biblical worldview apply to understanding this disorder?

Replies: It is important that individuals with psychological disorders receive care from qualified mental health professionals. What type of professional treatment would you recommend they seek? Select 2 classmates’ threads that address different disorders. Recommend an intervention program for each and support your recommendation with the textbook. Discuss how each treatment approach is consistent and/or inconsistent with a biblical worldview.

Submit your thread by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on 
Wednesday of Module/Week 8, and submit your replies by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Friday of the same module/week.

Liberty University PSYC 101 Discussion Board 5 thread solution right

Liberty University PSYC 101 Discussion Board 5 thread solution right
General Psychology DB5 thread forum
You can choose it from many different papers.
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Topic: And the Winner Is...

From the start of this course, we have emphasized the importance of research in shaping our understanding of human behavior and mental process. Several major studies and social psychology concepts were discussed throughout this chapter. If a local church asked you to present 3 research studies or concepts from this chapter as part of a “Psychology and Christian Life Seminar,” which 3 would you pick and why? Come up with your top 3 and discuss why you selected them. Also, highlight how each one might be of value to Christians and/or the church. For your thread, discuss the following:
·         Identify your top 3 studies.
·         Discuss why you think they are most important, highlighting the key findings and merit of the study (i.e., what did it add to our understanding of human behavior/mental process that is of value in today’s society?). Cite the textbook.
·         Discuss how each study is consistent/inconsistent with a biblical worldview, as well as how it might be of value to Christians in the real world.
Replies: After reading 2 of your classmates’ threads, reply to each, discussing which 1 of their top 3 you think is most important. Be sure that you extend the discussion beyond their initial points and elaborate on the utility in terms of psychological concepts and biblical worldview. In addition, make an argument for a study that is missing from their initial list. Make sure you select studies that were not included in your own initial list. Include textbook and scripture citations to support your claims.

Submit your thread by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Thursday of Module/Week 7, and submit your replies by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of the same module/week.

Liberty University PSYC 101 Discussion Board 4 thread solution right

Liberty University PSYC 101 Discussion Board 4 thread solution right
General Psychology DB4 thread forum
You can choose it from many different papers.
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Topic: There’s an App for That!

Your job for this discussion board is to choose a developmental period and design an 
appthat would apply to them. It could be a game, a self-help app, a parenting resource app, etc. The possibilities are endless. For your thread:
·         Describe your app. What is the purpose? How does it work?
·         Identify the target audience for your app (i.e., who you would want to buy and download it).
·         Discuss key developmental markers or characteristics for that age group (include textbook citations).
·         Pretend you are trying to get a group of developmental psychologists to invest in the production of your app
·         Discuss why your app is developmentally appropriate and be sure to “sell it.”
Replies: For your replies, you will critique 2 of your classmates’ apps. For each reply: 
·         Identify 2 strengths and how they relate to developmental psychology.
·         Identify 2 additional areas of development to consider for that age group. What else might the app address? What might it be overlooking?
·         Support your critique of areas of improvement with citations from the textbook.
Submit your thread by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Thursday of Module/Week 5, and submit your replies by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of the same module/week.

Liberty University PSYC 101 Discussion Board 3 thread solution right

Liberty University PSYC 101 Discussion Board 3 thread solution right
General Psychology DB3 thread forum
You can choose it from many different papers.
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Topic: Emotional Intelligence

This module/week, you are going to test the “Facial Feedback Hypothesis.” First, have 5 friends/colleagues/family members hold a pencil in their mouths showing their teeth for 30 seconds. Then, ask them to rate how happy they feel on a scale of 1–7 (1 = very unhappy, 7 = very happy). Second, have another 5 friends/colleagues/family members hold a pencil in their mouths without showing their teeth (i.e., lips together) for 30 seconds. Then, ask them to rate how happy they feel on a scale of 1–7 (1 = very unhappy, 7 = very happy). For your thread, complete the following:
·         Summarize the facial feedback hypothesis, citing the course textbook.
·         Prior to the experiment, what do you expect your findings to be?
·         What were your findings? For example, the average rating was # for Group 1 (teeth showing) versus # for Group 2 (no teeth).
·         Were your findings consistent with the Facial Feedback Hypothesis? Why or why not?
·         Why do you think God created us to experience emotions?
Replies: The Facial Feedback Hypothesis is most consistent with the James-Lange Theory, which states that our emotions are a response to physiological behaviors (Nevid, 2014).

In reply to 2 of your classmates’ threads, propose 2 alternative explanations for why someone might feel the “happy” emotion. For each reply:
·         Discuss a theory of emotion other than the facial feedback hypothesis.
·         Summarize the theory, citing the textbook (refer to Module 8.4).
·         Give an example from your own life that supports this theory. Your example does not have to address happiness. It can relate to any emotion.
·         Include 2 different theories and examples.
Submit your thread by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Thursday of Module/Week 4, and submit your replies by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of the same module/week.

Liberty University PSYC 101 Discussion Board 2 thread solution right

Liberty University PSYC 101 Discussion Board 2 thread solution right
General Psychology DB2 thread forum
You can choose it from many different papers.
Plagiarism Free

Topic: You Be the Professor!

One of the most important skills for students to master upon entering college is how to study! (You can relate.) Using information from the Memory Chapter in your textbook, address the following:
·         What study skills do you default to when preparing for a test?
·         Often incoming freshmen rely on flashcards and rote repetition as their primary method of studying. What are advantages and disadvantages of this approach?
·         If you were to lead a Freshman Seminar for incoming students, what study strategies (yes, plural) would you recommend and why? Support your suggestions with citations from the textbook.
Replies: Although professors provide students the tools to study, there are often other activities and distractions that compete with their desire to study. In addition, change is hard. Using concepts from the Learning Chapter, how might you expand upon your classmates’ study seminar and help students “learn” to study? Read and reply to 2 classmates: recommend an operant approach in one reply and a cognitive approach in the other reply. Explain how the operant and cognitive approaches are consistent and/or inconsistent with biblical principles.

Submit your thread by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Thursday of Module/Week 3, and submit your replies by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of the same module/week.